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HIIT Fusion Fitness

Taught by Nanz - HIIT Fusion combines core training and high intensity fitness intervals consisting of multidirectional, full body movements and short rest periods for an intense calorie burn. Modifications are always offered and each session ends with a cool down and functional stretching.

A fitness class ad featuring three women, details of HIIT Fusion Fitness, pricing, schedule, and a QR code for more information.

Come shape your body Sunday Morning and Monday evenings- September & October - Only clean indoor shoes allowed in the studio please.


  • SUNDAY Session -  9/8 -10/27
    • 12:00PM-12:45PM
    • MCRPD Studios -  579 S. Franklin St. Fort Bragg
    • $128 - 8 week session or $20/ drop in


  • MONDAY Session 9/16-10/28
    •  5:30PM-6:16PM
    • MCRPD Studios -  579 S. Franklin St. Fort Bragg
    • $112 - 7 week session or $20/ drop in


Fitness class ad featuring women exercising, offering HIIT sessions, pricing details, location, and a QR code for registration.
A fitness class advertisement with a photo of women exercising, contact info, a QR code, and pricing details.